Monday, August 3, 2015

I had a very good quilting weekend. I got this little baby quilt ready to add borders. It is going to an old friend's first grandchild. I also quilted a lap quilt and another baby quilt for some stitching friends.

I also finished quilting one of my own, it was  the star struck pattern by Bonnie Hunter but realized I have not taken any pictures of it with my camera just my cell phone and don't know how to get those pictures here, only know how to post them to facebook. Still have a lot to learn.


  1. Such a fun quilt! You did have a busy weekend!

    Does the charger for your phone have a USB port to attach the cord to the plugin? If it does, unplug it from the outlet plugin and plug in that USB cable to your computer - the rest should happen automagically :) You'll see some prompts to help you through. Hope this helps :)

    1. thanks so much I will check that out, I think it does

  2. I like your cheery color combination!
